So because I'm home and able to celebrate for longer than 72 hours, mom (or Ma Christmas) decided we needed to have a big old fashioned Christmas. In our house this means my mom dons her decorator's cap, drags twenty seven Rubbermaid containers out of the attic and before you can sing "Joy to the World" the house looks like we're related to Santa. You're thinking tinsel and candy canes and you would be wrong, my merry friends. Wrong, I say!
Let it be known that I'm a pretty good amount of pissed that my camera decided that it just doesn't feel like it anymore, meaning: the Christmas Wonderland that is our home could not be captured in its full potential and glory. But much like the Griswold's, we will press on and have the Hap-Hap-Happiest Christmas Tour since "Bing Crosby danced with Danny Fucking Kay!" (If you need assistance with lines from this movie, I am your official Christmas Vacation guide.)
Let us begin...
We have six trees. This is the first, dressed up in red and gold, masks and feathers, and my bells (which I will detail in, yet another, Christmas post). You might notice the small wreath and garland display to the left.
Complete with carolers...
Sing, girl, sing!
...and (empty as hell) stockings.
Santa? Kissing a baby? We sure do!
Did I mention we have six trees? Well, here's number two.
I did most of the work on this tree. You can tell because there are four strands of lights on it and one could probably, I don't know, perform brain surgery under it? This was an accident, I'm no Ma Christmas, so how was I to know that we would no longer need indoor lighting with four strands of twinkly lights? Ups.
This tree is pretty special though. Beyond the short bus job I did of lighting it, it's pretty magnificent and royal. It's also pink. And home to all of the Barbie ornaments one could purchase in a 10 year time span. (The back is filled with Marilyn Monroe and Cinderella, yeah, that goes together... at least they're all blonde.) Go Ma Christmas! To set the girly scene (or to remind me of Christmas past), this tree dons a gorgeous crown... from one of my marriages gone wild, or wrong, whatever.
Here are a few of my favorites:
This Little Barbie has a pre-nup,
This Little Barbie has fur,
This Little Barbie buys her own shit,
This Little Barbie steals hers,
And This Little Barbie smokes a whoooole lot of weeeeed when she gets home.
(Marilyn just wants to go wee-wee.)
Trees number three and number four are in the dining room, which is attached to the living room. So depending on where you are, they're in your room. Special, no? Looks like Ma Christmas got a little heavy handed on those there lights on tree number four. Mmhm. Sure did!
Also, we seem to have a theme. Not only are the feathers in the trees and wreaths...
...there's also an entire wreath made of them.
Ok, tree number five. (complete with banister feathers being all, "Pick me! Pick me!")
The Banister. It happens to be Ma Christmas' favorite part of the house. The feathers came from real pheasants, courtesy of some folks over in Wisconsin. Go Badgers! (and pheasants, before you become a Christmas ornament!))
See the kissing ball? And the giant crystal my sister gave Ma Christmas for her birthday? So prettiful!
Um, Kallay? What's that?
Oh! Those are just some pretty little ornaments we hung form the chandelier! See?
No, No. Not that....
Oh that!? That's just a huge elephant we moved (really heavy) furniture around for, to fit it in the dining room. Naturally!!
It lights up too!
We also have a pig... and an angry birdie next to him. He doesn't have the holiday spirit. Homie P is working on that.
And bears...
And Zebra! We love Zebras! And she loves her bow...
No, really... she does!
How many Zebras can you find in this picture?? (three)
Also, Maddie wouldn't move so, she says Merry Christmas too. Although it sounded a lot like "Eff you, mom." I don't know. She's hard to read sometimes.
Stay tuned for my cookie adventures and the story of the bells. You'll laugh, you'll cry... And then I'll tell you about my New Year's "Resolutions" and you'll cry laughing.
First of all I am full on irritated because I wrote a longass comment and then the internet ate it, so I'm going to try and recreate it to the best of my ability:
Second of all, you are officially my favorite blog I have ever randomly found. I laughed...I laughed some more...(I did not cry)...and your house looks just like it lept from the pages of Better Homes and Gardens Christmas Edition. Martha would be proud. GREAT JOB and mad props to Ma Christmas!
My favorite is the zebra. I love her bow too.
Are you really going to make the wine cookies? Let me know if you do because I'll try them out too. Tonight I just made regular old non-alcoholic sugar cookies. There are some lame looking Christmas trees and wreaths that came out looking like flowers AND as an added bonus I dyed my fingers green. I wasn't even drinking when I made them.
1) Beautiful and festive. The house really got me in the mood for Christmas and that's a tough thing to do.
B) How the hell do you have anything still standing with a cat in the house?
III) PETA and the ASPCA both called. They'd like to discuss all the feathers with you.
it's like i died and went to christmas heaven/hell whatever you want to call it.
i absolutely love it!
i CANNOT wait to come up there and see all the festivities and ride the giant light up elephant thingy.
so flipping excited!
(i just peed cause i was so excited)
Oh I'm so torn between the Barbie with the pre-nup, the zebra with a bow, the staircase of blooming pheasant feathers, and the VERY well-lit elephant in the house. And I look at my own decorations and wonder when the ghosts of Christmas will visit. Well-done, I must say! I can't wait to see what you do as an encore on Valentine's Day!
I love this post. The house looks stunning and the Barbies are great! Good on you for posting something positive about the holidays instead of the usual grinch stuff (like mine.)
OMG you're so right. Do you live in a palace? That's incredible. And I love the Barbies!
Melly - Madeline is very uninterested in all things, well, merry. We used to set up the tree in the middle of the living room where the top of the tree would end up near the balcony. Maddie took a flying leap at it one year and tumbley tumbled all the way down to the bottom bringing with her the giant bow on top and many ornaments. Twice. So, that was that. No more tree near the balcony. To be honest, I'm not sure how she has missed all of the dangley fun surroundings, but up until now, she has. She took a swing (and a miss) at the Barbie tree, gave up and took a nap on the chair next to the tree. I think she's guarding it? Re: Feathers... I know. I've had so many unavailable calls lately, it MUST be them.
Oliver - I smell another blog in your future. We're taking pictures.
Ally - V Day happens to be my favorite holiday so we shall see. I sort of love, love. I see pink and hearts in the future.
Reality (since you like to be all anon. and stuff) - Thank you, thank you! It's so fun sitting here with all of this cheer surrounding me, it's like living in a fairy tale, sort of.
Stephanie - And thank you! :) I'm totally telling my mom you called her house a palace. She will love that. She always refers to herself as the queen and my sister and me as the princesses.
Wow. I'm jealous. Looks like Christmas heaven! I just want to come hang out for a bit and take it all in!
I think I need Ma Christmas to come decorate for me. Tell her to please bring the elephant. ;)
Love the Barbie tree!!
Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest!
Love your blog,u cracked me up.
the trees are beautiful,and so many,I am jealous,I want lots of trees!
stopping by from SITSmas
Merry Christmas
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